Looking for a job
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Search engines for jobs in Internet
Interesting links for the translator's job search
The freelancer
Translation agencies
Translators asociations





Search engines for jobs in Internet

Advice to look for a job: job search engines are a good source of information and advice about job search. Almost all of them provide an advice section o a job magazine. Here, you will find some useful links to search and find a job on the net.

The webmaster's piece of advice: When you are interested in an offer, you usually can let your CV in Internet. however I advise you to call directly and as soon as possible: better results guaranteed!

A guide to look efficiently for a job in "objetivo empleo" (where to go, how to build your strategy, etc.)

A selection of job search engines in Internet:

Internet Invisible: Very good! Portal of interesting links in the spanish context about all the informtion often hidden in the web because it doesn't appear in the big search engine. Very interesting section of resources for translators in the web.

Kipelhouse: List of links of job and spanish public exams websites.

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Interesting links for the translator's job search

Here, you will find a list of imprescindible institutions at the moment of looking for a job.

More informal and quite useful: tricks, article and links of a professional translator in Spain: Xosé Castro Roig

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The freelancer

Canaltrabajo.com, the job and worker website in Spanish provides a portal of a good quality about work with a section for independant workers, news and a page dedicated to "the independant worker legal guide"

Comisiones Obreras : its Independant worker Defense Office provides a new information service with consulting and help for administrative management for independant translators. They published an Independant worker guide and provide the information about the subscriptions for 2001. All the information with addresses and phone numbers, here

In the Madrid Comunity website:

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Translation agencies

Translation agencies are the intermediary between translator and client. They hire a few permanent translators but the majority are freelancers. Agencies are a very heterogeneous group and you shouls be careful when you need to choose an agency. Some might not be very serious and take advantage of the translation market desregulation to offer a minor payment for your work. Nevertheless, they are often a good way for the beginner to start working and accumulate experience.Here, you will find some agencies datas on the web or in Madrid.

In Internet: Lots of then provide a job offers section o an e-mail address for applications.

In Madrid: To access the list of translation agencies in Madrid: clic here

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Translators associations

Translators associations are a group of professional translators that aim at defending their job conditions and offer professional resources to its members. Within those services we can find: mailing lists that enables translators to share job opportunities, on line dictionaries or teminologies, artlicles about translation, links to publishing houses or newspapers all over the world. Some of those services are only for members (and usually it is not free) but lots of them are available for free and without needing to subscribe.

Foreignword: very good! portal of translation and languages. Very good website with complete lists of links to translators associations all over the world, list of agencies in Spain and abroad, mailing lists and forums, revues, all with a good presentation and easy navegation. I advise you the translators associations pages, although you are not interested in subscribing, because you can find here lots of academical, editorial, or actuality information.

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Another source of employment for the (literary or specialized) translator are the publishing houses. Lots of them have a page on the net with job offers.In this section you will find: a list of publishers in Madrid and links to pages about the publishing sector.

Spanish guide of publishers: provides a section of job offers for translators: "empleo traductores"

Publishers Unions Federation of Spain: information about the publishing sector, a search engine of publishing houses with website ot the possibility of an ISBN consultation.

Page of RDIB (recursos de Interes Bibliotecario) with links to all the spanish publishers websites.

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